Expos, Trade Shows & Events
Impactful short term & pop-up brand projects
Tradeshows, events, festivals, markets, campaigns…we’ve got you!
Our Brand Activations team are highly capable, and full of the can-do enthusiasm it takes to implement pop-up or short-term projects in all sorts of spaces!
We have the ability to be involves a little bit, or a lot! We help with part of the process, or the whole project from end to end. All we need is an idea… and a reasonable budget!
Regardless of our level of input, our project managers review every activation and plan for the process to be smooth and efficient. We take the time to consider the practical implications of the project so that we can fully prepare for the event and adhere to the timeline required.
Every job that we undertake is unique, with its own unique set of risks and challenges. Our solution focused team are highly capable in problem solving any unforeseen challenges or obstacles when they arise from time to time.
We’ve dotted the i’s, and crossed the t’s. We have all the appropriate coverage and certification including (bot not limited to) white card, EWP, public liability insurance ($20 million), swims, internal OHS procedure and PPE equipment.